Translas BV
Manufacturer, Importer or Master Wholesaler
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Translas is the only manufacturer in the Netherlands producing welding torches with over 50 years of experience in the development and manufacture of products for the welding process. Translas markets its products under the brand names Translas, Dutchweld and 4CE Force via a selective dealer network in more than 40 countries.
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We just found out about IndustryHuddle and it seems as a great place for industry networking. Finally, there is a platform that focuses solely on businesses.
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Our Advantage
In-house manufacturing
Flexible in production time
Product customization
Constantly working on product developments and projects with other partners
Many years of experience
Global trading
Product Categories
- Welding Rods and Welding Accessories,
- Welding Torches,
- Safety Supplies & Equipment
Online Catalog/Resources
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